Get certified

Cradle to Cradle certification shows your company’s commitment to healthy and sustainable products. The certificate proves that your product meets the Cradle to Cradle Certified® Product Standard – one of the highest sustainability and material health standards in existence. Cradle to Cradle Certified® is a globally recognized third-party product certification standard.

The standard covers almost every kind of non-food product – from children’s toys to building materials. It is administrated by the independent non-profit organisation
Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute.

How to Get Certified

To get a product certified, manufacturers must work with a qualified independent assessment body trained and accredited by the institute. The assessment body performs a product assessment and prepares an Assessment Summary Report. The report is then reviewed by the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute, which if satisfied, certifies the product and issues the certificate along with licence to the manufacture to use the Cradle to Cradle design mark.

Vugge til Vugge ApS is one of only 12 Cradle to Cradle Accredited Assessment Bodies around the world and the only accredited body in the Nordic Region. We have many years of experience, and offer guidance throughout the whole certification process – from the first clarification meeting to the final certificate. We take pride in working hard to help you achieve the best results possible.

Get started with a non-binding meeting

Certification Categories and Levels

Your product will be evaluated using criteria in five certification categories, each category with an ultimate level, indicating a 100% good product. For each category, the product receives an achievement level – Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum – depending on how close it is to meeting the ultimate goals. The lowest achievement level represents the product’s overall mark.

Five categories in Cradle to Cradle certification

  • Material Health: ensuring materials are safe for humans and the environment
  • Product Circularity: enabling a circular economy through regenerative products and process design
  • Clean Air & Climate Protection: protecting clean air, promoting renewable energy, and reducing harmful emissions
  • Water & Soil Stewardship: safeguarding clean water and healthy soils
  • Social Fairness: respecting human rights and contributing to a fair and equitable society


Certification Process

A Cradle to Cradle product certification consists of three main steps:

  1. Data collection concerning the product materials and manufacturing processes  in cooperation with Vugge til Vugge ApS
  2. Product Assessment performed by Vugge til Vugge ApS
  3. Third-party verification and certification by the independent Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute

To learn more, see the general information on the certification process, or book a meeting with us to get a better understanding of the process for your particular product.

Book a Non-binding Meeting With Us

The first step towards a Cradle to Cradle certification is a simple, non-binding meeting with us. The meeting will help you clarify whether Cradle to Cradle certification is relevant for your product, how it may benefit your business, and what the process will require in your specific case. Of course, we will also be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Book a non-binding meeting today