A Cradle to Cradle product certification has no fixed price. The price is highly dependent on the number of substances in the materials that the product is made of, the number of manufacturing sites where the final manufacturing of the product takes place, and to what extent you would like us to assist with data collection, filling out application forms, developing optimization strategies, etc.
To get a rough estimate on the certification price of your specific product, we suggest a no-binding meeting with us. The more we know about your product and production process, the better we can estimate the price.
Book a non-binding meeting on Cradle to Cradle certification
If your company is interested in having one or more of its products Cradle to Cradle certified, we suggest you hold a no-binding meeting with us. The meeting is free of charge and will most likely be held on Skype.
Fill out the blanket and we will contact you as soon as possible.
New Certification
If you wish to have a product certified, we will provide you with an offer for the assessment work based on the expected number of materials and substances to be assessed, number of final manufacturing stage facilities, and number of required site-visit(s).
The price for a new certification is composed as follows:
- Material Health Assessment, fixed price per unique CAS number
- Product assessment, including project management, site-visit(s), and preparation of Assessment Summary Report
- Data collection and documentation
- New Product Application fee (for Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute)
Annual Fees and Recertification
Product certification fees for Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute are due ahead of new certification applications and recertification every two years. Additional fees may apply for extensions, interim assessment reviews, and certificate revisions.
Once a product has been certified, an Annual Community Fee has to be paid to the institute in order to cover the licence to use the certification mark.
Every two years, in order to have their products re-certified, certificate holders must demonstrate good faith efforts to improve their products. Recertification requires an update of data and the Assessment Summary Report. However, the process is less comprehensive and accordingly the price it much lower than for new certification.
See the actual fees for Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute here.
Book a non-binding meeting on Cradle to Cradle certification
If your company is interested in having one or more products Cradle to Cradle certified, we suggest you hold a no-binding meeting with us. The meeting is free of charge and will most likely be held on Skype.
Fill out the blanket and we will contact you as soon as possible.